Bienvenue 2025 & Welcome to the Wedding Party!
In 2025, our beautiful baroque bijou of a chateau with its exquisite location in a medieval market town and a secluded huge historic park turns 300. To celebrate, we offer HALF PRICE packages for 3-day weddings throughout the year. Claim that once-in-a-lifetime offer for your once-in-a-lifetime day and get in touch. We have our own, dedicated wedding planner who has the best local address book and who will make your big day a breeze of beauty, love and serenity.
HIGH SEASON 2025: June, July, August, September - 12 500 Euros for 2 nights and 3 days with 14 people sleeping at the Chateau and up to 150 people celebrating
LOW SEASON 2025: October, November, December - 10 000 Euros for 2 nights and 3 days with 14 people sleeping at the Chateau and up to 150 people celebrating
Soyez les bienvenus!